Living In A Chaotic World


I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting; lately, I have also been eager to write, but I couldn’t even process the emotion I was feeling. I felt a mental breakdown was about to happen, and nothing I could do about it.

Low self-worth and love are so dangerous when we face traumatic experiences. We feel guilt when our PTSD triggers as if we aren’t worthy of expression. We’ve become so accustomed to suppressing our true feelings, who we become so unidentifiable. We separate ourselves from everything and everyone, and it gives us control. The things we love are no longer a part of our daily life; depression has kicked in.

Healing is a different Journey for everyone; no matter the Journey, the process is life-changing. I thought I believed in God until I realized that I lacked the only thing he asked. Something as small as a mustard seed, and I couldn’t wholly say I had it. I would be dishonest if I said that I didn’t believe in God, although I know he is there despite the absence of faith. It is a connection I can’t explain, and I can only hope someday everyone seeks to experience it.

The chaos of this world is despicable, with so much hatred and violence. I don’t believe that any person is born evil; it’s developed throughout life. The emotions we feel are choices, far from easy ones. Suppression of trauma causes a disconnection from within; finding ourselves again is challenging. I believe it’s to help us understand the value of being our true self, so we are more cautious with how we use our hearts.

For 10 minutes each night, could you try to reflect on your day? No distractions. Take a few deep breathes and unwind; over time, you will begin to notice the difference. You’re so beautiful, so important, and your purpose is waiting on you—time for us to find our light again.

