21 Days

Life has been a little calmer these last few days; I’ve been cautious of what I feed my children and me. I’m not speaking solely about nutrition value, but everything we consume daily. The small things seem to leave the highest impact, yet it’s done so carelessly.

Questioning my discipline is something I learned over the weekend that I should never do. I guess that’s an excellent example of a lack of self-worth. The goal was to eliminate time off my phone, but I’ve found myself abstaining entirely away from it. I began feeding every negative urge with something positive, and I can’t wholly say I feel the difference, but I can see it within my household.

We decided we would abstain from the “NO” for 21 days with hopes of finding our happy place. There has been a ray of emotions about this process, but we are entirely hopeful. My oldest was so frustrated this morning when I ask them if they could show me their happy place in the best way they could. With low spirits, they asked, ” does everyone have a happy place? Because I don’t see mine. Like I see something, but I can’t bring it to life”. Instantly my heart sunk; how could a child’s imagination be compromised already.

It is so important to do frequent ” How are you” checks with our children; I’m not speaking about the basics either, but truly connect. The smiles mean nothing when the heart is heavy; children go through things as we do, and often these are done alone because they can’t find the right words. With all the chaos of this world, it so easy to let those small moments slip away as they become abnormal parts of our day.

Can you see your happy place? It can be seen through Music, Journaling, Art, or Simply Relaxing. Give it a shot.